• Understanding of Gold

    In the Indonesian Dictionary, gold is a yellow precious metal that can be forged and shaped, usually made of jewelry such as rings and necklaces. Not much different meanings are expressed by W.J.S. Poerwadarminta, gold is a metal that is expensive, yellow in color and usually made of jewelry (rings, bracelets and so on). In the Indonesian English Dictionary, gold is equal to gold, and in the Indonesian Arabic Dictionary, called zahab.
    Such gold is intended for many people, but at the same time there are groups of people who are forbidden to wear it, namely men. Even though many men like to wear gold, because gold contains beauty and a symbol of luxury.
    It is understandable that men and women like to wear gold, so there are people who wear gold excessively and invite envy to those who see it. This beauty is the nature and nature that has been attached to humans, and humans like women, children, assets of the type of gold and silver.
    Papers Reference
    Compilation Team of Language Center Dictionary DEPDIKBUD, Large Dictionary of Indonesian Language, (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2002). W.J.S. Poerwadarminta, General Dictionary of Indonesian Language, (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1976). John Echols and Hassan Shadily, Indonesian English Dictionary: An Indonesian-English Dictionary, (Jakarta: Gramedia Main Library, 1998). Asad M. Alkalali, Indonesian Arabic Dictionary, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1993).
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